Patrick Holford

Patrick Holford is a British nutritionist/nutritional therapist and author. He appears regularly on television and radio in the UK and abroad. He has 34 books in print in 24 languages.[1] His work promotes a wide variety of alternative medical approaches such as orthomolecular medicine , many of which are considered pseudoscientific by mainstream science and medicine.

Holford is also a major proponent of a low Glycemic Load diet as ideal for weight control, diabetes, heart disease and cancer prevention. Holford proposes that many chronic diseases are better treated with diet and supplements than with pharmaceutical drugs and that modern medicine has become too dependent on pharmaceutical drugs.[2]

Holford's claims about HIV and autism are not in line with modern medical thought, and have been criticised for putting people in danger and damaging public health.



Holford obtained a BSc in experimental psychology from the University of York in 1979.[3][4] As a psychology student, he became interested in the biochemistry of mental health problems. His research brought him in contact with Dr Carl Pfeiffer and Dr Abram Hoffer, both of whom claimed success in treating mental illness with nutritional therapy. However, he did not graduate from the University of York until 1979, leading critics such as HolfordWatch to challenge the veracity of his CV.

In 1984, Holford founded the Institute for Optimum Nutrition (ION).[5] At that institute, he has worked on nutritional approaches to clinical depression, schizophrenia, ADHD and eating disorders. In 1995, the Board of Trustees of ION (of which he was a director) awarded him an Honorary Diploma in Nutritional Therapy.[3]

He retired as Director of ION in 1998 and was awarded ION's Award for Excellence in 2009.[6]

He is the Chief Executive Officer and co-founder (with Professor André Tylee of the Institute of Psychiatry) of the special interest group that developed into Food for the Brain Foundation, a registered charity which has the stated aim of promoting mental health through nutrition.[7][8][9] He is also director of the Brain Bio Centre, which specializes in a nutrition-based approach to mental health problems.[10]

Holford is a Fellow of the British Association for Nutritional Therapy (BANT), one of a number of professional bodies that seek to represent nutritional therapists in the UK.[11] He is also the Patron of the South African Association of Nutritional Therapy and the Irish Association of Nutritional Therapy.[12][13]

Between 2007 and 2008 Holford was Visiting Professor at the University of Teeside and in 2007 was appointed as Head of Science and Education at Biocare, a nutritional supplement company.


Holford has been the subject of criticism for his promotion of medically dubious techniques and products including hair analysis, his support of the now struck off doctor Andrew Wakefield, and advocating the use of "non-drug alternatives for mental health" for which he has been given an award by the Church of Scientology-backed Citizens Commission on Human Rights.[14]


Holford's claim in The New Optimum Nutrition Bible that "AZT, the first prescribable anti-HIV drug, is potentially harmful, and proving less effective than vitamin C"[15] has been criticised by Ben Goldacre.[16] Goldacre writes that Holford based this conclusion on a non-clinical study where "you tip lots of vitamin C onto HIV-infected cells and measure a few things related to HIV replication".[17] Goldacre notes that the paper does not compare vitamin C to AZT for efficacy.[16] He argues that "Holford was guilty of at least incompetence in claiming that this study demonstrated vitamin C to be a better treatment than AZT."[17] Prof David Colquhoun argues that Holford's "advocacy of vitamin C as better than conventional drugs to treat Aids is truly scary".[18]

Holford replied[19] to The Guardian newspaper that:

"As [Goldacre] well knows, the author of the research — Dr Raxit Jariwalla — wrote to the Guardian (January 20, 2005)[20] the last time Goldacre made this claim, to confirm that my statement is correct on the basis of two [non-clinical] studies on HIV-infected cells. The real crime here is that no full-scale human trials have been funded on vitamin C to follow up Jariwalla's important finding because it is non-patentable and hence not profitable. Goldacre seems unconcerned about the way commercial interests distort scientific research."

Goldacre replied that Dr Raxit Jariwalla is listed as a senior researcher at the Dr. Rath Research Institute in California - connected to vitamin salesman Matthias Rath.[21]


Holford has also claimed that "We’ve learned about what it is that makes some kids develop autism and also how to bring them back." This directly contradicts organisations devoted to autism such as the Autism Society of America which says: "There is no known single cause for autism...Researchers are investigating a number of theories, including the link between heredity, genetics and medical problems." and the National Autistic Society which states: "There is currently no known 'cure' for autism."

Holford is also one of the main supporters of the hypothesis that there is a link between the MMR vaccine and autism.[22] This is against the overwhelming opposition to the hypothesis by the scientific community. The Wakefield et al. paper upon which this hypothesis was based has been discredited by the scientific community and 10 of the 12 co-authors have formally retracted the paper. Furthermore, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the Institute of Medicine of the National Academy of Sciences, the UK National Health Service and the Cochrane Library review have all concluded that there is no evidence of a link between the MMR vaccine and autism. (See MMR vaccine controversy)

The Cochrane Library's systematic review also concluded that the vaccine has prevented diseases that still carry a heavy burden of death and complications, and that the lack of confidence in the vaccine has damaged public health.[23] Catherine Collins, chief dietician at St George's Hospital, reported that - due to following Holford's advice to adopt a restricted diet - a young autistic girl participating in one of Holford's experiments suffered dramatic weight loss and sleep problems.[24] Holford has argued that the allegations result from “professional jealousy”, stating that "[t]his girl hasn't suffered. She's got better and is behaving better. Her parents are delighted with the results. It's only Catherine Collins who is not." The Independent on Sunday have since published a letter from Patrick Holford in response to this story, noting that - when placed on a less restrictive diet - the girl was able to regain the weight she lost.[25]


There has also been an adjudication by the Advertising Standards Authority against Patrick Holford's 100% Health leaflet. "On this point, the ad breached CAP Code clauses 3.1 (Substantiation), 7.1 (Truthfulness), 50.1 (Health & beauty products and therapies - General) and 50.20 (Health & beauty products and therapies - Vitamins, minerals and other food supplements)." [26] A previous adjudication by the ASA also went against Mr Holford. [27]




  1. ^ Patrick Holford Foreign Editions
  2. ^ Food is Medicine
  3. ^ a b Holford, Patrick. Patrick Holford: Profile Accessed 29 May 2009.
  4. ^ Doctored information on celebrity nutritionist, Ben Goldacre, The Guardian, 6 Januaryu 2007, retrieved 25 May 2010
  5. ^ British Association of Nutritional Therapists
  6. ^ ION Awards
  7. ^ About Patrick
  8. ^ "IoP: Primary Care Mental Health". Retrieved 2009-08-05. 
  9. ^ STEEL, "Our mission". Food for the Brain. Retrieved 2009-08-05. 
  10. ^ Brain Bio Centre
  11. ^ The British Association of Nutrition Therapy, “About BANT”. Retrieved 7 January 2007.
  12. ^ South African Association of Nutritional Therapy
  13. ^ Irish Association of Nutritional Therapists
  14. ^ Damian Thompson (2008), Counterknowledge, New York: Norton, OCLC 227016172, 
  15. ^ Holford, Patrick. The New Optimum Nutrition Bible, Chapter 24. Retrieved 19 March 2007.
  16. ^ a b Goldacre, Ben. “Vitamin deficiency”. The Guardian, 6 January 2005. Retrieved 6 January 2007.
  17. ^ a b Goldacre, Ben. “Working papers”. The Guardian, 20 January 2005. Retrieved 6 January 2007.
  18. ^ Colquhoun, David (15 August 2007). "The age of endarkenment | Science |". London: Guardian. Retrieved 2009-05-30. 
  19. ^ Holford, Patrick. Letter to The Guardian, 16 February 2007. Retrieved 19 March 2007.
  20. ^ Jariwalla, Raxit. Letter to The Guardian, 20 January 2005. Retrieved 19 March 2007.
  21. ^ How money is not the only barrier to Aids patients getting hold of drugs, Ben Goldacre, The Guardian, 17 February 2007, retrieved 25 May 2010
  22. ^ Food for the Brain
  23. ^ Demicheli V, Jefferson T, Rivetti A, Price D (2005). "Vaccines for measles, mumps and rubella in children". Cochrane Database Syst Rev 19 (4): CD004407. doi:10.1002/14651858.CD004407.pub2. PMID 16235361. Lay summary – Press release (2005-10-19). 
  24. ^ Goodchild, Sophie and Owen, Jonathan. “Doctors warn against food fad dangers”. The Independent on Sunday, 7 January 2007. Retrieved 18 January 2007.
  25. ^ Patrick Holford (2007-03-18). "Doctors warn against food fad dangers - a clarification". London: Retrieved 2009-05-30. 
  26. ^ "ASA 2007 Judgement". 2007-09-19. Retrieved 2009-05-30. 
  27. ^ "ASA 2003 Judgement". 2003-03-26. Retrieved 2009-05-30. 

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